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“...For God loves a cheerful giver.”

(2 Corinthians 9:6)

Church Giving

Giving is an expression of our thankfulness and praise to God. It comes from a heart of worship that recognises everything we have and give already belongs to the Lord.

Our ability to earn money is a gift from God. Returning a percentage of our treasure back to God is one way that we live our faith.

Just like our family households, our parish community needs financial resources in order to operate, serve, and minister. God provides for these needs through you - you ARE the parish.

Prayerfully reflect on what your financial contribution to your parish should be. The amount is never as important as the spirit of generosity in giving. We may contribute money, but our real gift is LOVE.

Each year, parishioners formalize their commitment to sacrificial giving, a pledge between themselves and God, at Mass.

What return shall I make to the Lord, for all God has given me?

Thank you for making a gift to support the important work of our parish. We sincerely appreciate your generosity!

Support for the Clergy (1st collection)

Goes towards priest’s monthly stipend, food allowance, housekeeper and clergy annual retreat. Excess fund at the end of the calendar year is transmitted to the Armidale Clergy Fund to support retired and sick clergy.

A/C Name: St Edwards Church Presbytery Savings Account
BSB: 082 105 A/C No.: 001023592
Reference: First + last name

To support the Church (PGP envelope)

Goes towards all church, presbytery & grounds repairs and maintenance, insurances, public liability, employees’ salaries & work cover, office and church requisites, loan repayments, utilities, etc.

A/C Name: St Edwards Church Suspense Account
BSB: 082 105 A/C No.: 001002950
Reference: Envelope Number + last name

Planned Giving Program (PGP)

With the financial year already quickly passing by we have placed our continued order for Planned Giving Envelopes. There will be extra packs of envelopes when these are received so please consider if this is a convenient way for you to support your Church via the second collection. Direct Debit facilities are also available and a reminder free way of keeping up with your pledges.

If you would like to join the Planned Giving Program, please email: so*****************@ar******.au

As previously noted in 2017 there is no longer the option to claim 10% on your tax returns for your donations. Considering this and the significant number of envelopes and receipts not collected from the Church; we will no longer print receipts to all planned givers. Records will still be kept and receipts will be issued upon request only.

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